Thursday, March 3, 2011


Words are formed to express the soul of man. Language gives us expression and puts meaning to our world. A world without them would be sad and dark and living would be function and task oriented only ! Words are beautiful and full of meaning , full of emotion, full of hope and full of expectation. Words give order to our lives and beauty, thoughts without words would be pictures only. Watch a baby when he understands language but is yet able to form words, he gets so frustrated. I want all the words I speak to have purpose and beauty and meaning. I think prayer is a beautiful way to express love and concern for those we love and even for strangers, it takes words. I really see language as amazing and full of history and art, full of potential. Words capture our past and present and even talk of our furture. We live this life in an unconscience state untill we become aware of the most basic things. I want to live with gratitude for everything. So today I am grateful for the ability to speak and converse with you. I am grateful for the intimacy that comes from expressing our thoughts with each other. I feel even more blessed when I think of the ability to capture my words and read others words thru writing. God has given us so much to be thankful for. Stop your busy, crazy life today and take time to have a conversation or read or even write and then thank God for such a gift !

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