Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Story-birth

When I was born I came home to my Mom, Dad and sister Sharon my brothers Dickie and Ray. We lived in a small home in a neighborhood called Rabbit had once been named Rabbit Knoll but because of the accent of it's people it soon changed for the former.
I was a very wanted baby girl, my Dad gave my Mom her wedding band and a new Bedroom suit as a gift for my addition to the family. My parents married young and never had the money for a wedding band before. My father wanted more children but my mother wasn't so sure about any more children as the others were now manageable at the ages of 8, 7 and almost 5, Mom had her world pretty well rounded, so my addition would change the dynamic greatly, thus all the gifts from my grateful father.
I do believe the bond for me and my father really began here, it was a mutual admiration society, he wanted me and I loved him!
My sister also wanted a baby so she in fact became my surrogate mother and has been my best life long friend. We shared so much more than most sisters as she really became a second mother to me in more ways than either of us can remember. We have had a life of bonding by choice and circumstance.
My coming home also meant my brother Ray was rooted out of his sleeping arrangement, as he still slept in the crib in my parents room. He loves me but has always viewed me as the usurper, LOL. My bond with my older siblings has always been special! Dickie has always held me near and dear as well, so needless to say I was loved and wanted by all! Truly a great start to any child's life.

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