Friday, July 8, 2016


Anger is my companion tonight, it searches me out and finds me alone and then takes up residence in my heart of all places.  There are days when injustice burns deep within and today is that day. I am angry at people I love and people I hate. It has been a long time since I used the term hate in context to those around me but tonight it came looking for me and I am entertaining it! I am angry, it burns deep in my soul and I don't care to be told I am wrong. People are wrong, people judge others with no regard for anyone but themselves..... Compassion lost, love lost, hope lost, we are living in a lost world, desperate for things, desperate to be right, just plain desperate! I am tired of the pretense, I am tired of the lies, I am tired of the death. I want to be free from all this pain. Anger has found a dwelling place and I'm afraid it may never leave. There is no relief for those without eyes to see, there is no relief for those without hearts to feel, there is no hope for those who will not hear, we are a lost and dying people because we would rather kill each other than change our hearts toward mankind!

1 comment:

  1. That's because the heart of man is desperately wicked and evil. Our only hope is Jesus' heart that dwells in us, too. We just get disfocused sometimes and start looking at circumstances rather than our Lord Who causes all things for His purposes and His good. Our hearts can't handle this world but His heart and Life that dwells in us sure can! "Turn your eyes upon Jesus and look full in that wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim..." Love you sister!
