Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My sin vs. Homosexual sin

I rise with purpose this morning. I rise to point out my sin. Now you may think this a useless task but for me it is a purging of my soul and mind. This exercise helps free the soul of the burden it carries. My sins are many and therefore may make folks just a bit uncomfortable but here goes. In my life I have lied, cheated, bore false witness, lusted for anything you can imagine. I have been a glutton. I have cursed God. I have had sex before marriage and I have cheated during my marriage. I have watched porn and lusted and fantasised about other men. I have cursed myself and others. I have taken what was not mine to take. I have been jealous of others good looks and good fortune and money. I have doubted God's love for me and doubted at times he cares or listens. I have been judgemental of everyone. I have let anger rule my heart. I have been mean and cruel to my family and friends. I have done every low thing you can imagine and you my friend will set next to me and believe I am a good person while judging the openly gay man on your other side.
I have no idea when or how or why gays became the open target of the church but it is time for it to end. Why you ask , well for starts their sin is no greater or less than yours or mine. You do realize the same bible that calls men lying with men an abomination, goes on to compare gossip to witchcraft. God calls something you do in your church and on the street witchcraft but that is some how not the same as an abomination, you do this in secret but no matter it is still witchcraft in the eyes of God? This is really sad because of all the people you have driven out of your churches and even families but it is almost laughable when you think how very judgemental you are about this one sin because you do not happen to partake in it! I pray for the day when people will not be concerned about their neighbors but keep a more watchful eye on themselves. I bet if I had a bird's eye view to your world all things would not be perfect and I might see you practicing witchcraft along with some other unsavory sins.

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