Saturday, October 22, 2011

I write today under the influence of seizure medication administered to me on top of my normal dosage. Yesterday and for the past 3 days I have been have tremors, large tremors that almost keep me from standing. I have no idea where they came from or why, all I know is when I went to bed last night it was as if I were jumping in the bed. Brad called my new neurologist and she said take me to the ER.
My body has a mind of it's own lately and I am trying to figure out how to live in it. I had a break down on the way to the hospital and sobbed the deepest sob ever. I felt like my body was no longer mine. I thought if it could do this to me what else could and would it do to me.
I think of myself as a very stable person but it seems the monster within was just hacking away at my resolve.
I have been having some neurological problems for a while but when you are an epileptic woman going through menopause, you kind of stack it up to one of those. Well let me reassure you tremors have never been an issue till now. They became pretty violent before Brad took me to the hospital. They found no reason for them so they medicated me with more of my current meds. and sent me home. So here I am wondering what is going on within my body and thankful for the moment I am OK ! I am afraid this blog my be the place I record my decline!Please understand I am not seeking your sympathy just trying to keep track of certain patterns in my health!My memorie has become terrible too !
Moralof the story take good care of yourself and laught as often as possible !

1 comment:

  1. Wow, my sister. I don't really know what to say except that no matter how you feel, you are NOT alone. Unexpected adversity often throws us off balance, but the will of God will prevail! I can appreciate your emotional roller coaster as I lost BOTH of my parents this year! However, only because of my faith in God....I am still standing....I am praying with and for you that your healing manifest and your spirit be at peace!
