Saturday, December 20, 2014

My Journey

Just recently I have started clinching my teeth again and it is such a pain, literally and figuratively. The internal conflict about receiving chemotherapy when I never thought I'd never ever consider it has my mind working overtime.I have always believed in supporting the immune system and letting it do the work and in truth I still believe that. Today I find the body and its cells are much more complicated that I had thought. I believe sometimes conventional medicine has the upper hand. I also think the prospect of making sure that there are no future reoccurrences outweighs the fear I have concerning taking chemo in the here and now. My doctors have made it clear women are being cured of Breast cancer because of all the understanding gathered over the past 30years. Thirty years ago I would have had a Masectomy and been sent home to recover and five years later it would reappear in a new place and the battle would start new. The Cancer I have is a grade three and invasive, I had it in two places in my Breast but in truth I am very lucky......none in my lymph nodes. So come the New Year I shall begin four months of chemotherapy and will be given a drug called herceptine that will continue for the rest of 2015, so in truth this time next year my celebration will be grand as I will have done all I and my doctors know to do to fight this disease. I will be in this battle with supplements and diet as well, doing everything I can to give me every fighting chance. I need to be surrendered to the process and at peace with my decisions so this jaw of mine will stop the chattering.

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