Monday, December 29, 2014

My Journey

The journey I am on leads to being bald for a period of time. I have taken a proactive stance and had my hair cut to prepare. The moments leading up to my hair cut were emotional, I was feeling everything possible. I contemplated not doing it and letting my hair fall out long and golden on the pillow when the chemicals demanded it. This whole experience has been somewhat grueling in respect to the things it has required of my body. I have met each demand with a measure of grace and fear and the decision to cut my hair was the best way for me to have any sense of control. So I got a short and very sassy hair cut and love it. There was a child like liberation that came when I saw myself looking like I did as a kid with a fresh cut pixy, I think I saw my youth looking back at me in the mirror and I like it.The things you must do to insure you have good days in front of you is not for the faint of heart but it is also much more than the physical demands it places on you. This journey is one of the heart and soul too. My soul has been magnified to me and I know that what matters most in life is what I feed it. Our bodies will decay and fall apart but our soul it is eternal and it needs nourishment too. The external things are being stripped away from me so I am looking inward and I am making friends with my heart and soul. My life is just a brief time in the worlds history so I must get busy living no matter what I face because time waits for nobody and my body is telling me you don't have much time left so make today matter! I am at peace with letting go of the physical because I want the deep richness that comes from living a life centered on eternity.

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